
Je, 2013-04-18

20th International Workshop on "Surveillance and Screening of Blood Borne Pathogens"

V.I.P.S. SA is pleased to attend 20th International Workshop on "Surveillance and Screening of Blood Borne Pathogens", organised by International Plasma Fractionation Ass & Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI).

Lu, 2013-01-07

Dengue virus inactivation by minipool TnBP/Triton X-45 treatment of plasma and cryoprecipitate


Je, 2012-08-30

Le Canton de Neuchâtel lance sa nouvelle cellule ProEntreprises.

Lien Arcinfo
Lien RTN

Je, 2012-08-16


 S/D treatment, developed by VIPS Suisse was adapted to small volumes of plasma & cryoprecipitate, this process is facilitating access to proven technology, contributing to end products safety.

Lu, 2012-08-13

Cancun, July 2012 , V.I.P.S. Medical is announcing today a major innovation in the space of blood transfusion and blood safety.

After years of research with experts around the world, VIPS Medical is able to offer to any blood establishment around the globe an innovative solution for viro-innactivation of enveloped virus.
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Ve, 2012-06-01

V.I.P.S. SA a Global Innovative Leader in the space of Viro-Inactivation of Enveloped Virus , I.S.B.T Cancun 2012

Mini-pool Vision for Viro-inactivation of enveloped virus is giving back to worldwide blood establishements Capabilities to deliver safer Plasma and Cryo for the best of their Patients. Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, Jun 01, 2012 -- Part of V.I.P.S. Medical Global Development , the Swiss based company will contribute to ISBT Worldwide congress. Cancun Mexico In July 2012 , V.I.P.S.'s Management and International experts will present to Country Leaders, University Hospitals Professors, Blood Bank experts, researchers and Doctors the next generation of medical devices for viro-inactivation of plasma. V.I.P.S. SA CEO Valerie Soulié : ..> during this Congress in Cancun July 7th to 12 the we will present to decision makers, experts; data, studies and investigations done on enveloped virus such as HIV, HBV, HBC, HBE, Dengue , West Nile virus-Finally and part of the strategic plan, V.I.P.S. SA will demonstrate to the international community the new medical Device for viro-inactivation..ISBT Forum in Cancun is one of the key event to introduce such innovative solution. In addition to the current VIPS Plasma & VIPS Cryo Mini-poolMedical devices, the Device will make the company the Global Innovative Leader in the field of Viro-inactivation with S/D X45 technology. Solvent and Detergent process has more than 20 years of experiences and Data without any event recorded globally. The Mini-pool vision, the S/D Technology and the New machine will give back to Blood establishments worldwide the capabilities to have safer Plasma and Cryo precipitate done locally in complete traceabilityfor the best of their patients . Enveloped Virus, important Bacterias, emergent enveloped virus will continue to be the main focus of our group of experts around the Globe. The Company will reinforce commitments, investments in the space of Blood and Blood transfusion as a Key Global partner.

Ma, 2012-05-08

V.I.P.S. SA Key player for Virus inactivation by mini-pool TnBP/Triton X45 for Plasma and Cryoprecipitate

Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, May 08, 2012 -- Part of V.I.P.S. Medical GlobalDevelopment , the Swiss based company will contribute to different Regional and Worldwide congresses. In May , V.I.P.S.'s Management and International experts will attend to the IPFA/PEI Budapest jointly organised by the International Plasma Fractionation Association (IPFA) and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute (PEI). This International Scientific Forum for research, discussion and reviews on developments for the microbiological safety of blood and blood products. In June V.I.P.S. SA will attend and contribute to the 23 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Transfusión Sanguínea including a dedicated Symposium on VIPS Plasma Medical
device. Gerard Lopez : ..> during this Congress in Saragossa June 7th to 9th we will share with decision makers, experts; data, studies and investigations done on enveloped virus such as HIV, HBV, HBC, Dengue , West Nile virus-Finally and part of the strategic plan, V.I.P.S. SA will attend to the International ISBT Forum in Cancun and World Federation Hemophilia in Paris July.2012. The Company will reinforce commitments, investments in the space of Blood and Blood transfusion as a Key Global partner for the community.

Ve, 2012-04-13

V.I.P.S. SA Colombier Suisse , participate in World Hemophilia Day 2012

 V.I.P.S. Medical’s management team, employees, partners and Distributors around the world will support and contribute to the World Hemophilia Day, April 17th .Organization (WHO) has been dedicated to improving and sustaining care for hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders worldwide since it was founded in 1963 V.I.P.S. Medical Colombier is part of this worldwide N.G.O. and an active contributor to the World of Transfusion. Bleeding disorder is impacting a lot of adults and kids around the planete, all of us have to support members of our community facing these challenges.
>>Read more by clicking on the following link

Lu, 2012-03-05

V.I.P.S. Médical SA Main Sponsor of 1st International Conference of the Saudi Society of Transfusion Medicine

Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, Mar 05, 2012 -- 1st International Conference of the Saudi Society of Transfusion Medicine Opened in Jeddah March 5th, V.I.P.S. Médical is the main Sponsor with F.M.S. The Middle East V.I.P.S. 's Régional Partner. The Event is under the patronage of Doctor Osama Bin Sadiq King Abdulaziz University Manager and open by Doctor Adnan Almazroo King Abdulaziz University, Doctor Salwa Hindawi President of the SSTM, Doctor Ghazi Damanhouri Congress President welcome all the participants from the Region ofMiddle East. Goals are clear: Improve each day, each minutes, Safety and Security in the World of Blood Transfusion.Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, Mar 05, 2012 -- 1st International Conference of
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Me, 2012-01-25

V.I.P.S. SA Colombier Suisse will contribute to the First Congress of the Saudi Society of Transfusion Medicine

Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, Jan 25, 2012 -- V.I.P.S. SA Colombier Suisse will contribute to the First Congress of the Saudi Society of Transfusion Medicine, the Society was established to serve blood transfusions and hematologists all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, aiming to encourage continuous medical education and spread the knowledge, The Transfusion Medicine Congress will be held on 05-08 March, 2012 in Intercontinental Jeddah, huge numbers of blood banks, hematologists scientists, technologists and nurses from the kingdom and abroad will participate and attend this conference.
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Lu, 2011-12-05

V.I.P.S. Medical SA : Plasma and Cryo ViroInactivation is not a nice to have for worldwide patients

Non-virally inactivated plasma, cryoprecipitate , produce locally, are still used in many countries in the world, in both the developing world and industrialized countries, for the treatment of various hematological, trauma or surgery blood disorders.
>>Read more by clicking on the following link

Lu, 2011-11-07

V.I.P.S. SA a clear Strategy to support Worldwide patients

In preparation of the Yaoundé symposium November 16th, we received a lot of feed back, interests and questions. In order to share, to explain and to contribte, the management team decided to communicate with all of you the elements , data and value creation. V.I.P.S. Strategy is clear, Goals are
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Ve, 2011-11-04

V.I.P.S. Medical SA a long term solution for Plasma & Cryoprecipitate Therapy

Switzerland, Swiss Confederation -- Nov 4, 2011 -- Part of the programme between the Faculty of Medecine and Biomedical Sciences and the Hospitals of the University of Geneva to support people living with Hemophilia and serious bleeding disorders, V.I.P.S. Medical is organising a Symposium on Haemostasis November 16 in Yaounde Cameroon.
>>Read more by clicking on the following link

Sa, 2011-09-17

V.I.P.S. Medical SA Colombier Suisse, Shabrawishi Hospital Blood Transfusion Center Cairo Egypt, A Global Strategy to Support Middle East & Egyptian initiatives

Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, Sep 18, 2011 -- The Egyptian Society of Blood Services (ESBS) is launching a Pilot Step Towards Domestic Mini-Pool Plasma Fractionation, A New Concept Developed by Egyptian, French and Swiss High qualified program team members.
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Sa, 2011-09-17

V.I.P.S. Medical official Sponsor of the Annual HFI Assembly in Kanyakumary India

Gerard Lopez V.I.P.S Global Sales & Marketing : Part of V.I.P.S. Medical SA strategic Plan, B.R.I.C countries such as India will continue to be the primary focus of the V.I.P.S. Medical SA Management team, after a successful trip to India in Q2 2011, we developed high level discussions with key Indian Leaders : the Hemophilia community was responsive and supportive to the V.I.P.S. Medical Technology and Solutions...
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Ma, 2011-09-13

VIPS Medical at Egyptian Society of Blood Services Seminar

Gerard Lopez , Global Sales and Marketing : Egypt is key for V.I.P.S Medical SA strategic plan, we have a strong and efficient partnership with Country authorities , ECBS, Shabrawishi BTC and Doctor Magdy El Ekiaby. Middle East, Africa are important for V.I.P.S. Medical the initiation and development of the VIPS project was primarily dedicated towards developing countries by enabling easier access to safer and regular treatment of serious bleeding disorders such as Haemophilia....
>>Read more by clicking on the following link

Me, 2011-06-22

New solutions for Pathogen inactivation

Valerie Soulié, V.I.P.S. Medical SA, company CEO, was very pleased to announce new solutions for Pathogen inactivation during the International Congress ISBT Lisboa 2011... >> Read more by clicking on the link
Watch on Youtube

Me, 2011-06-08

Nouvelles versions des brochures VIPS

V.I.P.S. Medical SA est heureux de pouvoir vous mettre à disposition ses brochures en anglais, espagnol et portugais:
Version anglaise:
VIPS Corporate.pdf
VIPS Cryo.pdf
VIPS Plasma.pdf
Version espagnole:
VIPS Corporate.pdf
VIPS Cryo.pdf
VIPS Plasma.pdf
Version portugaise:
VIPS Corporate.pdf
VIPS Cryo.pdf
VIPS Plasma.pdf

Lu, 2011-05-16

Congrès ISBT

VIPS Medical à le plaisir de vous annoncer sa participation au congrès ISBT qui de déroulera à Lisbonne du 19 au 22 Juin 2011. L'entreprise présentera ses solutions innovantes pour l'inactivation virale et la filtration stérile du plasma (VIPS Plasma) et du cryoprécipité ( VIPS Cryo). L'équipe de management sera heureuse de vous accueillir sur son stand n°916 ou des présentations de nos solutions seront organisées durant l'exposition. VIPS Medical s'engage à livrer des produits de qualité aux établissements de transfusion sanguine du monde entier.

Me, 2011-05-11

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